The Second Peloponnesian War reshaped the Ancient Greek world, shattering the peace and prosperity that once governed the region. It gave rise to a lasting legacy of devastation and transformation. In this Joint-Crisis committee, delegates will be divided into two factions representing Athens or Sparta. The committee will begin at a crucial turning point of the war: the Sicilian Expedition of 415 BCE, a military venture which could change the tide of the conflict. 

The Athenian committee will be tasked with navigating their attempt to expand into Sicily, while maintaining safety and control on their home turf. Delegates will debate on Athenian democracy,  and war resources. The Spartan committee will focus on countering the incoming Athenian expansion, managing internal pressures. Delegates will also address growing unrest amongst their allies and the importance of securing critical resources.

As this is a crisis committee, expect the unexpected—from mutinies and betrayals to shifting alliances and fast-paced military developments. The outcomes of this committee will depend on the ability of delegates to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, and make decisions that will shape the future of the Greek world – perhaps the entirety of Western Civilization.