The year is 1946 and in the wake of WWII, India has finally removed itself from under the thumb of the British Empire. Delegates of these committees must address their wants and needs all the while the Indian National Congress pushes for a united, independent India while dealing with the complexities of partition. On the flip side, the British Raj Cabinet, under the leadership of Lord Mountbatten, faces the challenging task of managing the partition process and handling communal tensions between religious groups.
Delegates must work together as a committee and joint body to use methods of mediation, diplomacy, and negotiation to shape the future of the region.
Meet The Teams
Indian National Congress
The British Raj
Arjun Athmakuri is a sophomore computer science major at UMD!
He has competed 3 times on the college collegiate level College MUNs, was a Crisis analyst for UMUNC IV, did 3 highschool conferences, and has been a part of organizing 2 committees for high school conferences!
Arjun cannot wait to be a crisis director at UMUNC V and is excited to work with all of you!
Hello Delegates!
I am Siddhant Kejriwal, your Moderator for this session. I am currently pursuing a major in Computer Science with a double minor in Mathematics and Robotics as a sophomore at the University of Maryland. I am originally from Chicago however I have spent a significant part of my life in Kolkata, India. The opportunity to delve into diverse and complex topics, such as the Partition of India and Pakistan, is particularly exciting for me. I am eager to witness your skills in action and hope that this conference proves to be both enlightening and enjoyable for each of you.
I look forward to an engaging and productive time together!
Hello delegates!
My name is Kavya Vandavasi and I’m going to be your moderator for the Partition of India JCC. I’m currently a sophomore pursuing a double major in Government & Politics and Psychology with a minor in History. This has been my first year doing model un, and it’s been a wonderful experience already!
I’m excited to see where this complex and interesting committee takes us and what creative solutions and strategies you’ll all employ along the way!
Hi Everyone!
My name is Sashwat Venkatesh, and I’ll be serving as your Crisis Director for the British Raj side of this JCC! I’m excited to explore this topic in what will be my 8th year doing Model UN between high school and college. I’m a senior studying Computer Science and Computational Finance here at Maryland. I can’t wait to see the creative arcs you all develop over the course of the weekend!
Hello delegates!
My name is Elena Jaimes and I’m a freshman double majoring in Government and Politics: International Relations and Computer Science. I have been doing Model UN since my junior year of high school and have attended conferences in Florida (my hometown is Fort Lauderdale), New York, Philadelphia, and Ireland.
My hobbies include soccer, snowboarding, and hiking. I’m looking forward to being this committee's moderator and hearing all of your wonderful ideas!